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Extended School Services and SBDM

The Extended School Services (ESS) program is a proactive program designed to assist individual students who are having difficulty in one or more content areas. 


ESS funds are allocated to every school district for the purpose of operating a program for students having short- or long- term academic difficulties.  ESS programs offer extra instructional time outside regular school hours (Out of School Time - OST) and may take a variety of formats including after school or before school programs, evening sessions, Saturday learning opportunities, summer programs and/or intercessions. Districts also have the opportunity to request a daytime waiver to offer ESS services during the school day.

Site Based Decision Making Councils

In the 1990 legislative session, the Kentucky General Assembly passed HB 940, which is best known as the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA). Essentially, this piece of legislation changed the face of education in Kentucky. One drastic change that came along with KERA was KRS 1​60.345​​, which outlined school-based decision making councils.

Membership of each council includes parents, teachers, and an administrator of the school and school councils promote shared leadership among those who are closest to the students. School councils have the responsibility to set school policy and make decisions outlined in statute, which should provide an environment to enhance student achievement. The policies should assist in meeting the goals established in KRS 158.645 and KRS 158.6451.